Empowered voice for the performer

Self-Paced: 6-month access


Empowered Voice for the Performer is a 6-module online course designed to empower performers by providing them with the knowledge needed to understand the science, anatomy, and mechanisms behind healthy voice production. During this 6-module course, you will learn the foundations of respiration, phonation, resonance, vocal health & hygiene, vocal overuse & pacing, and tools for preventing vocal injury. Registering for the course provides you access to all 6 modules.


Self-paced course registrants will have access to the modules for 6-months.

Module 1 - Foundations: Respiration

This module includes information about the foundations of respiration. The importance of nasal, diaphragmatic breathing for the performer are addressed, as well as pelvic floor support (vs diaphragmatic "support").

Foundational understanding of the respiratory, phonatory, and resonatory body systems allows the performer to better understand how to take care of and maintain their voice.

Module 2- Foundations: Phonation

This module includes information about the foundations of phonation (voice). Information on how the vocal folds and vocal mechanism work to create sound and change pitch is addressed. Additionally, you will find information on vocal registers, hormones & the voice, and how aging impacts the voice. Laryngeal self-massage techniques are also included.

Module 3- Foundations: Resonance

This module teaches the foundations of resonance. Understanding resonance is key to understanding how to project the voice without force and strain! Resonance = volume for free!

Module 4- Vocal Health & Hygiene

Module 4 discusses information related to vocal health & hygiene, including information about hydration, diet, medications that can impact the voice, phonotrauma, performance anxiety, stress, travel, performance venues, and other factors related to performance that can cause or contribute to vocal problems. The importance of vocal cool-downs is reviewed and vocal cool-down exercises are provided.

Module 5- Vocal Overuse & Vocal Pacing

Module 5 addresses what performers need to know about vocal overuse and vocal pacing. The benefits of vocal “naps” vs vocal “rest” is discussed. Vocal warm-ups are discussed and provided. This module also contains a Voice Journal/Tracker to be used to create your own personalized vocal pacing strategy.

Module 6- Preventing Vocal Injury

This module discusses ways to prevent vocal injury. It discusses why it is important to establish a top notch voice care team when you are vocally healthy. The risk of following commonly held, non-evidenced based voice care recommendations vs the importance of getting evidence-based recommendations by your medically-trained, qualified, and up-to-date voice care team will also be discussed.